
Ashtrix Robotics And Research Centre

Web Development

Embark on a web development journey with our comprehensive course. Learn the basics of HTML and CSS for building web pages. Create a survey form and a personal portfolio website. Dive into JavaScript and explore the Cube Art Gallery. Develop a currency converter and a COVID-19 information detector. 

Enhance your skills with photo parallax effects. Gain insights into e-commerce website development. Earn a certificate upon completion. Join now and unleash your creativity in web development!


Greeting card

1. Understand how you can draw your own sprite.

2. Understand how to write in your sprite.

3. Understand how to upload your sprite.

Banana Catching game

  1. Learn how to move the sprites.
  2. Learn how to create a variable and the purpose of using it.
  3. Learn how to play a sound.

Character Jumping Without touching obstacles

  1. Learn how to make a character to jump.
  2. Learn how to play sound.
  3. Learn how to code multiple characters.
  4. Learn how to move multiple character.

Shark Attack

  1. Learn Dynamic Mouse Interaction. Learn how to act on Receiving Messages
  2. Learn how to use the Conditional IF THEN ELSE Statement.

Creating a Calculator

  1. Boost Analytical Thinking.
  2. Learns how to use the operators for calculation.

Creating a Calculator

  1. Boost Analytical Thinking.
  2. Learns how to use the operators for calculation.

Drawing Different Shapes

  1. Learn how to use an Extension blocks .
  2. Learn how to draw different shapes.
  3. Learn how to change the colors and thickness of the pen.
  4. Concepts of Angles and Direction

Creating a Story

  1. Learn How to create an interaction between two sprites.
  2. Learn how to broadcast the message.
  3. Learn how to switch the backdrops.

Pong Game

  1. Learn how to use Conditional OR Operator.
  2. Learn how to broadcast the message.

Video sensing balloon game

  1. Learn how to use video sensing blocks.
  2. Learn how to pop the characters by your hand.

Flappy Bird game

  1. Learn how to draw the sprites and move them.
  2. Learn how to use IF-ELSE conditions.
  3. Learn how to create blocks

Paint with Gobo

  1. Learn how to interact with sprite using Keyboard.
  2. Learn how to program Multiple Sprites.
  3. Understand the concept of Sprite Layers

The PicoShow

  1. Learn how to Animate a Sprite
  2. Concepts of Time and Motion.


  1. Learn how to Make Costumes
  2. Learn how to Switch between Costumes
  3. Make 21 Instruments in 1 Piano

Certificate Awarding

After successful completion of the modules, students will be awarded with an International certificate(STEM Accredited) which would be adding more value to their profile.


Steps (14)

Quizes (1)

Duration (8 weeks)

Assessments (Yes)

Students (92)


Introduction to HTML,CSS

  1. Adding links
  2. Adding paragraphs
  3. Adding Images
  4. Adding Buttons
  5. Adding headings and lot more to explore

Survey Form

  1. Learn to create the most common web page found over internet ie. the Registration/Sign Up/ Personal Information Collector
  2. Deal with the basic elements to add & verify the user information like email-id, birth date, contact number etc

Personal portfolio

  1. Build your own personalized portfolio display all the things that the professional world needs to know about you… .!
  2. Attach images, links and rest many tags to make it more approaching


Introduction to JAVAScript

  1. Learn the basic concepts of JAVA Script and use it along with HTML
  2. CSS to develop more advanced Applications


Cube Art Gallery

Learn some simple yet excited animation concepts using JAVA Scripts, HTML & CSS , use them to design a 3D Cube displaying various images


Currency Converter

Learn the concept of ‘Restful API’s’ and their usage


COVID-19 Info Detector


Learn another application based on the usage of Restful API 


Photo Parallax

Learn to develop a parallax website ie web site trend where the background content (i.e. an image) is moved at a different speed than the foreground content while scrolling

E-commerce Website Development & Understanding

Learn to develop an E-commerce website ie. a shopping website which is entirely functional


Certificate Awarding

After successful completion of the modules, students will be awarded with an International certificate(STEM Accredited) which would be adding more value to their profile.

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Students Enrolled: 826

Average Rating: 4.5

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Average Rating: 4.4

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Students Enrolled: 1799

Average Rating: 4.6

Don’t wait to achieve your goals. Enroll now

Don’t delay your success. Seize the opportunity to achieve your goals. Enroll with us today and take the first step towards realizing your dreams. Start your journey now!

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